oh sorry i didnt watch your movies i just assumed they had sprites by looking at the icons
i dnt care wat the noobz on thiz site sayabout me im gna continue making flash and pwning at it >:)))
Age 28, Male
sk8r,part time flash
i hate school
behind u
Joined on 9/21/09
oh sorry i didnt watch your movies i just assumed they had sprites by looking at the icons
you should try the animators survival guide :)
you need to increase the speed of your videos , and you need more detail and facial expressions and body movement
i tried incresing speed on my skate flash and then they where too fast.....dont waste my time
Also, go kill yourself.
u trollin. nj.
they are already perfect, so there's nothing to improve.
dont give me that i now i need to get better
Groggy, they suck, no offence. Try to work on Frame by Frame Onionskin, get a tablet, draw your own characters and get original ideas. DON'T USE SPRITES UNLESS YOU DRAW THEM. That's just a sign of laziness.
can i make the colors of sprites diffrent? like a green sonic
Stop flashing.
Sonic10 > Sonic98
Delete System32. It makes Flash easier to run for some reason.
Egoraptor discovered that System32 interferes with it.
!!! just pmed egorapter telling him to delete system32, thanks!
I agree with those before. delete system 32, makes flash much easier.
go and masterbate
on that already lol
speed up the frame rate do beta drawings apart from sticks and think of a good idea :P srry to sound like a newb
sticks pwn though.... LOL ty anyway
Change the fps to 25, the image will be clearer and the animation will be smoother.
Well practice with frames mainly start at 24 fps because its the professional way and if you master it now you can get it over with faster.
Music wise, eh its your flash just be sure to pick something that actually goes with the video.
Also move on to actual people and not stick figures anymore unless thats what you actually want to animate.
One final note is Quality>quantity, its better to have at least one awesome video a year than a thousand crappy ones, take your time on your animation.
Well hopefully this helped you and now lets get focused on becoming internet famous animators.
XD You stole my flash Icon??? That's pretty bad dude, and I had a pretty bad flash for that icon.
worse then mine ahaha!!!!
Lip sinc. Lip sinc is a good starting point for frame by frame - just download a sound of someone talking and animate it using no tweens at all
time. time. time. TIME. practice, use the paint brush, take your time, almost NEVER use the line tool, unless making a straight wall or something, take your time, when you think you are done, ask yourself what score YOU would give the flash (an unbiased score, obviously), take your time, add color, make an animation with a higher frame rate, but instead of making it faster, put frames IN BEWTWEEN to make the animation smooth and the speed the same (like magic!). Oh, and take your time.
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/528160">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /528160</a>
Just thought you would like to watch that.
that guy says he is the worst animater on ng
Hgher frame rate.
Music that doesn't overlap.
Original characters. Stickmen are fine, but you need to learn how to animate arms and legs more smoothly.
Nicer music.
Practice FBF.
Original voices.
Get a tablet.
If you are doing a stickmen skateboarding video, that is fine. But you need to learn how to animate smoothly, how to get images that are NOT imported from MS Paint.
Watch other skateboarding videos on Newgrounds.
Stop animating at 3 or 4 fps, and at least have a frame rate of 15!
For your skateboarding videos...make him do better tricks. We don't want crappy flips all the time.
Stop using Windows Movie Maker. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looked like that.
Play around with Flash and experiment with higher frame rates.
If you really want to know how to improve your flash, check this link out:
<a href="http://www.clockcrew.cc/talk/showthread.php?p=1731816#post1731816">http://www.clockcrew.cc/talk/showthre ad.php?p=1731816#post1731816</a>
It has many helpful tips for beginner flash animators--it teaches you how to add sound, how to be a better flash artist, and other important things you need to know as a flash animator.
I look forward to watching your next flash!
stop using sprites
i havent submited any sprite flash yet but im gna start soon ty