Listen, dude, you need to TAKE YOUR TIME when animating. You have to do animations that you had a long, decent thought proccess for and then animate it PERFECTLY. Obviously beginners like us have handicaps that make our animation suck due to things beyond our control. You DO however have the ability to stop submitting short flashes every week or so, you're still beginning you should do long (1-5min) flashes in which you practice all the techniques (perspective, framerate, coloring, etc.) and keep going at it until you perfect it. Animation is a LONG and DIFFICULT process FOR EVERYONE. True the commenters and reviewers can be a little lighter but you need to READ what they say to see where you fall and how can you fix it. Hope this helps
we all epicly fail well sonic shit head maybe just maybe if your flash movies didn't suck then we woudn't be wrighting reviews saying you suck and i know why your aura is evil because your one of those retards who thinks their cool by posting the worst flash videos on newgrounds so you are a epic fail
u fail