View Profile sonic10
i dnt care wat the noobz on thiz site sayabout me im gna continue making flash and pwning at it >:)))

Age 28, Male

sk8r,part time flash

i hate school

behind u

Joined on 9/21/09

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we all epicly fail well sonic shit head maybe just maybe if your flash movies didn't suck then we woudn't be wrighting reviews saying you suck and i know why your aura is evil because your one of those retards who thinks their cool by posting the worst flash videos on newgrounds so you are a epic fail

u fail

Listen, dude, you need to TAKE YOUR TIME when animating. You have to do animations that you had a long, decent thought proccess for and then animate it PERFECTLY. Obviously beginners like us have handicaps that make our animation suck due to things beyond our control. You DO however have the ability to stop submitting short flashes every week or so, you're still beginning you should do long (1-5min) flashes in which you practice all the techniques (perspective, framerate, coloring, etc.) and keep going at it until you perfect it. Animation is a LONG and DIFFICULT process FOR EVERYONE. True the commenters and reviewers can be a little lighter but you need to READ what they say to see where you fall and how can you fix it. Hope this helps

i will do flash how i want

You only say we fail because people don't like your flashes.

ya exactly dum ass thats WHY all of u phail

We fail because we don't like your shitty flashes? You are definately a troll. Go away.

im a flash maniac

You are either a whiny pre-teen who refuses to take a critique when it is waved right in front of your face or a troll. :/ I'm currently leaning towards the latter at the moment.

u cant even put together a poper sentense wow gtfo and i banned u too lol

Says the person who can't spell "epically".

fail grammar nazi nerd

Also, your flashes ARE HORRIBLE. Either stop flashing or get better.
I don't care if I don't flash. I'm a good, intelligent, healthy person, and that values most in life.
Also, the game.

lmao no-life nerd y dont u go find some thing to do besides having gey buttsecks with my newsposts all the time

Shit I fail :(

at least some one around here has an ounce of intelligence!!!!!

DUDE! I am telling you how to GET BETTER, you need to focus on that first, listen Im doing the same thing right now if I wanted my good video ideas to suck then I would start all of my series ideas right now but I dont want to suck so I have to swallow my pride, take whatever crap is thrown at me and keep doing what I just told you earlier. But you're right, do flash how you want, it is your choice, its just NOT THE RIGHT CHOICE.

get bend


1. The only one who's "failing" IS YOU!! YOU are the fucker who's making those awfull, turd of the week winning flashes, not us. So that's a double fail for you!!
2. Do you think that kind of reviews will make you more popular? You're just trolling EVERYBODY, not only the haters but also the people who'r thinking that you still make a change. I will not mention your fans cus you don't have any... lulz xD!

LOOK, nobody likes you and nobody will EVER like you, it's better that you just get the fuck out newgrounds and never come back. But since you're such a arrogant little kid you probarly wont do what I say, so at least post never a flash&review ever again.


Also you fail @ spelling, COMMON LITTLE ASS KID, epically not epicly!!

you didn't know how to spell it either, nice job reading off that other nerd's post

Listen Im trying to help you out here because no one likes being cursed out in real life or ever, just by reading this post I can tell whats happening. The reason they're doing this is because you're not learning from your past mistakes in animation. I'm also beginning to agree with them as Ive been trying to help you out and then you tell me to "Get bent", what the hell. Im not being mean, Im not trying to be mean, Im trying to be nice as possible and help you out because we both want the same thing, to become good at animation. However all you've been doing is blocking me out and ignoring my help. Please, for your own sake, take the advice because you will get good at animation and if you get good at animation you can get a headstart on life and be the only kid in your school who's making money.
Listen there ARE people on this website who WANT to see you grow and become a truly great animator, we are interested in your ideas and what you have to say. Im saying this to you not as some older jerk, not some dumb child, but as a 13 year old boy just like you who wants to do something with his life.
But if you ignore this too then its nothing new, you'll just be like all those I met who think they are always great and whoever thinks otherwise sucks. And then as we get older I will watch as you fall deeper and deeper to be known as one of the crappiest animators in history while I rise to be one of the best. You know that might be mean but its also the possible reality of what might happen.

You have a choice, to take our advice and become someone great, or to ignore me, once again, and forever fall, which will you choose?

im going to forever...............PWN thanks

Someone mad because they can't take the fact that their flashes actually are horrible? Because really, they are bad. You need to learn how to take criticism as well; saying things like "i will do flash how i want" won't get you anywhere, and it just makes people hate you more. If you don't like what people say about your flashes, then don't submit anything. Better yet, why don't you just leave?

why dont u just fuck off

if this site fails and you don't like it then leave simple as that

its because of the rude gay ass user's here like u that i dont like


my flashes pwn

Job: being a noobish asshole "-.-
That would fit for you.

no more like Job: kicking Evilinc's ass that would suit me better dont tell me what my job is nerd

I still don't get how your flashes keep passing judgement...

its becaus they pwn get it through your thick head

Hahaha...man ur flashes fail more than us (your honest viewers) XD....
OMG I JUST HAD THE BEST IDEA!!! i will make a short flash about your failness :D

lol ill fav it

Does that mean your going to take the advice?

what advice?

Go away Genderless Hooker. We all know sonic10 sucks.

he doesent

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