also I ROFL'd at "watch the h8rs cry when they see my flash pwn". it scored less than 1 dude. you have failed
i dnt care wat the noobz on thiz site sayabout me im gna continue making flash and pwning at it >:)))
Age 28, Male
sk8r,part time flash
i hate school
behind u
Joined on 9/21/09
also I ROFL'd at "watch the h8rs cry when they see my flash pwn". it scored less than 1 dude. you have failed
it used to have a 1.70 but i think u and ur homo friends down voted it
If you don't like getting criticized, maybe make keep making animations without posting them until you stop being so awful at it.
Uh agreeing with the librarian, dont submit them until they at least they're like my video because Im sure you just got more hate with the last one.
look at this nerd trying to troll lmfao
Did you post it yet? I wanna see if you actually made some improvement
dood add me as co author 4 secks
Sonic you're being a douche again when people are giving you help and you curse back. You gotta have humility because criticism will always feel insulting. I dont care if someone gets VISCIOUS with criticism if they review one of my works but if they're saying stuff that is TRUE you have to bite your tongue.
The best way to know how to take criticism is to hit yourself with it, look at all of your flash and beat yourself to death on everyway how you can make it better until it would look like Tarboy, obviously neither of us have to chance to make something like that so early, but itll help us get better and to take the advice of other's too.
I dont think I was mean in my review, sure I might have been assuming that you werent doing some things but I dont think that called for swears. >_>
Basically look at your flash again and instead of thinking that you made it think of yourself as just a normal viewer and see it through their eyes.
fucking fail
fail troll account
people have tried to give you advice, (not in this post, but still). every time you respond with some immature thing like "fuck you nerd". why do you expect us to help you anymore? you've proven yourself to be beyond advice.
I agree with desknight. Both of us are trying to give you constructive responses, especially Desknight who's teaching you flash
Oh yea btw, about the flashes you have, you shouldn't really put mario, luigi, and yoshi in them, it could cause people to misconstrue what the flash is about.
but there cool
What flash do you use
the version doest matter u idiot l2flash
your newest flash is the BEST flash I have EVER seen great job ok
To prove the point in my review, notice the low scoring flashes the person above you has.
If their flashes have less than 1/5 their probably not trying to get you to make quality flashes
What if I were to put down a picture of Madness but my flash is instead about rainbows and unicorns? That wouldn't really be cool, now would it. Plus people might get angry since I lied to them and will 0-1 spam me. Also, it does kinda matter what version flash it is, the lower grade flash the crappier the flash shall be
Calling people a troll while YOU'RE the real troll eh?
for example: What flash do you use (a totally NOT hater comment)
your respons: the version doest matter u idiot l2flash (common, why did you said that, that person just only asked what your flash version is, god your a fucker)
Also, you said your new flash would be totally fucking awesome... filthy liar...
And making a flash about me only makes me laugh, common, how fucking pathetic was that???
Ow yea, blocking my accounts also wont help, rofl
Good luck making crap and being hated for it loser
ok than just get banned butthole
I love how many NGers can't spot a troll even after this many deliberately shit movies.
God I wish NG's signup process had some kind of intelligence test in it.
my movies arent that bad lol ....fu
watch all the h8rs cry when they see my flash pwn in the portal>:)
hahahahahahaha, rofl hehehe xD
you are terrible at flash, really. just terrible. stop making them. stop existing.
y dont u go kill urself?im sick and tired of u ass holes.just posting my flash so ppl can c them,tell me how to iprove and not be jerks