View Profile sonic10
i dnt care wat the noobz on thiz site sayabout me im gna continue making flash and pwning at it >:)))

Age 28, Male

sk8r,part time flash

i hate school

behind u

Joined on 9/21/09

Exp Points:
240 / 280
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> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.37 votes
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Dude your such a douche

this is a warning to all the ha8rs,not to f*** with me!!

lol ur fag extreme

YOU have a small penis, lolololololol And you cant do anything you fucking fag fail. And YOU were the one who got laughed with, you just reversed your story retarded piece of fuck.

the guy got pwned :) i fucking own

You pulled down his underpants too? Isn't that a little frisky for a person who apparently hates gay people?

no the girls laughed so hardd :) big points for me

wow did the girls like u much

No girl likes a 9 year old retarded piece of fuck who skates (and fails at it), makes the most awfull flashes EVER and got their nickname from a cheap made in Taiwan, China, Turkey,... backpack (check my channel for it).

No-o-o-o-o- o oooobody liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiikes youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, you retarded fucking fucker xD.

someones jealous i have soooooo many fans :) *does kickflip*

Why have you not imploded into the width of your vagina?
First of all, you don't pwn anyone or everything. Not even JB.
Second, I'll bet you like watching gay porn. Turns you on does it? Do you know how gay you sound when you say,"lol ur gayy i pwn u lol,"?
And lastly, YOU have the small penis. And no one in the right fucking mind would like to date a disgusting fat kid like you. Get the fuck off and kill yourself, you oily fat dirty, stupid little boy.
Make your pea sized brain compute for once and think about what I said.
You've fucked your life, kid. And you're too stupid to even know.
Also, Go back to grammar school, you thick headed philistine.

I'm not fucking jealous of a kid who fails at life.
Here's a list of things you fail at.
Working out
Making good comebacks
trying to be tough over the internet.
Also, I wear a fucking belt. Idiot. You don't even have the balls to pants me.
~The Pyromaster

One more thing before you ban me again,
You fucking idiot. Kill yourself and go back to the stone age with the rest of the retards.
Also, you fail at everything.

Also, my dick isn't small.

I sense your future job...
It involves a LOT OF FRIES...
I sense your future house...
A small crappy apartment...
I sense your future wife...

Okay, show me 10 fans and prove they really like you. Fag. *laughs because sonic10 fell when he tried to do a kickflip*

lmfao im so cool! I rock =)

I bet your dick is small than his.

If your such a badass then do something to me. I wana see how "cool" you really are. oh and btw schools out dumbass.

im not on here every day like nerds like you =) so when it happend 2 weeks ago i couldent update right away xD

I heard your face got slammed into the wall because you were poking some kid at school, you fucking retard.

u heard the story wrong,some faggy kid was pokng me trying to get my attention so i smashed his fkking face into the wall lmfao :D

About "lmfao im so cool! I rock =)"

Okay, now I realise... Sonic10 KNOWS he totally sucks at flash. Actually, his only reason for making those flashes are to get us mad as hell, he knows that we will get angry because he made another fail attempt for making a flash and he likes to see all those people being raged because they actually can't do anything to that bastard (I mean they can't hurt him in real life because they don't know where he lives and cursing at him wont work either because he just responds with a childish comment so that we will think that it doesn't hit him at all).

And the only way to stop this kind of troll is to not comment on ANYTHING from his channel including; Reviews, Flash,...

I know it's not easy to stop hating him and I KNOW that it probarly won't happen but like I said before, all he wants is to get us mad, that's his way of humor, and the only way to solve this problem is to not give him attention anymore.

- Chief troll has spoken.

your a faggot and im not reading any of that

your awsoum dude!

i hope to be as gud az u one day :)

u never will be cuz your probably omst likely a lil NURD :)

@ sonic10, it's not meant for you sonic10, it's meant for the people.
@sonic1O, you already are as good as him, lol. xD

go jerk off hahahahaha

Actually, Tony Hawk is a skateboarding genius...

skatboarding idiot there i corrected u

Im still waiting for you to do something to me. Proove to me your really the badass you claim to be. Or are you just to bi of a pussy to do it?

give me your addres and ill come over there and egg the fuck out of your house!!!

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